2022 Tax Filing Deadlines

Ferrone & Associates CPAsBlog

Did you know the last day to file federal income tax returns is a little different this year? Tax return deadlines are not allowed to fall on a holiday or weekend. The last day to file federal taxes this year will be April 18th.

Deadline Extension

Additionally, states struck by natural disasters this year have an extended deadline. These include states where FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) has declared a disaster area: Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee and Colorado. For the states previously listed, their deadline will be May 16th.

If for whatever reason you are unable to file prior to your deadline you may request for a six month extension. In this case there are a few steps that need to be done by the April deadline. While you can file for an extension, your payment will still be due at the initial date or you will gain interest, fees, or penalties on the amount you owe. 

Final Takeaway

These are updates on federal tax deadlines although states usually share the same deadline as federal be sure to check your the deadline for your state.